Ready App




FEATURE release

Ready is a contactless restaurant and hospitality order and payment application. With Ready, customers can order from their table, hotel room or stadium seat by scanning a QR code, then pay directly from the app. This allows servers to turn tables faster, boost tips and increase order sizes, while focusing on excellent customer service.

Currently Ready clients can use the Ready app to allow customers to pay for pick up orders. The next step in expanding the app’s marketability was to build in full pick up and delivery features for both off premise (ie. Restaurants, bars) and on premise clientele (ie. hotels, stadiums).



Feedback from the CX team revealed that many important features should be included such as the ability to switch between pick up and delivery part way in the flow as well as allowing for options for scheduling pick up dates. It would be important to allow users to book a pick up for a future date as well as the same day. Users who often used delivery apps value convenience and having an order status display feature would be helpful after checkout. On premise users such as hotel guests would also expect a different user experience from restaurant diners.


USER Flows

Off Premise Pick Up delivery user flow

off premise pick up + delivery

Off premise pick up locations are based on searching locations closest to the address added to the search. Any location not available for pick up will not be included. Selecting a location will take the user directly to the ordering menu of that location. The menu header contains both delivery and pick up tabs with approximate time and fee information.  The tabs allow the user the to switch between Delivery and  Pick Up during ordering from the menu. Below the menu, the user can change Pick Up or Delivery Details. The restaurant location information and hours can also be viewed from this area.

Pick up and delivery details can also be altered from the Review Order Screen. Scheduling pick up includes multiple options such as same day, future day and asap (which will automatically set the date and time to the quickest schedule). Also included are delivery instructions and a custom field for users who may not be comfortable meeting drivers physically. To create a seamless experience we’ve included a handy map displaying real time data tracking the status of a delivery order.


on premise pick up + delivery (room service)

On premise guests have tailored mobile experiences that are aligned to their accommodation experience. Their rooms would have QR codes to scan that could lead them directly to mobile menu page with both pick up and delivery tabs so they can order right away. In the case of on premise experiences, “delivery” is “room service” for hotels or “in-seat service” for stadiums, etc. The custom naming would be controlled by the client through the dashboard. Payment options would also include a room charge option. A standard flow would include a landing page for both guests and non-guests for marketed QR codes that were scanned. 

From the menu and review order detail screens in the on premise flow a user could change their minds and switch between room service and pick up. Pick up would involve going down to the lobby to pick up their order.