BC Hydro

Mobile App




The current BC Hydro website provides monitoring energy usage and bill payment options, however it was not fully responsive. Mobile users would be directed to use the desktop site to access these features. In addition to the lack of responsiveness, user feedback included:

- Energy usage data was not live.

- Energy data was limited to the entire home usage

- Bill payment felt insecure and indirect

- Lack of incentives to save energy

- Long wait times to speak to customer service

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There are alternative smart devices that could measure energy usage, it is inaccurate since it lacks access to BC Hydro’s meters. Creating a mobile app for BC Hydro became the obvious solution. It would both include and improve on existing desktop site tools, while addressing user issues. The app would have the following features:

- Each socket could be monitored

- Monitoring of rooms and accessories using the sockets

- Live connection to hydro meter data

- Account access to pay bills online

- Energy saving challenges with deals/ discounts for rewards

- Live chat feature



7 people between the ages of 25-37 were interviewed to gauge their behaviour and motivations behind saving energy. The goal was to determine what features and interactions should be included in this app.

Surprisingly, environment was not a big factor in saving energy in those asked. They were less environmentally friendly than originally thought. Saving money and some level of curiosity were the motivating factors in monitoring their energy usage. They believed if they could view energy usage they would be more likely to save money and energy. Subjects also reported that current third party devices were expensive and inaccurate in measuring energy.

Hydro costs were also not a concern for renters where it is part of their monthly rent, and individuals that shared a home with more than one person since the bill was split.

Some subjects noted that the BC Hydro desktop site was difficult to use, stating that billing options are lacking and seem less secure. They also disliked the long wait times and difficulty in reaching customer service.

Based off these findings, 2 user personas were established.

Paul Remmie.png
Judy Gloucer.png


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The final BC Hydro app not only incorporated both energy monitoring, online bill payment from the desktop site, it included live energy data from every socket of your home. Users can set up “Homes” with “rooms” and add “accessories” to monitor energy usage live from each item using a socket. This gives them a detailed overview of their energy consumption.

The app provides live chat, eliminating painful wait times on the phone. It also allows additional billing options such as splitting a bill if you share the energy with multiple room mates. The lack of energy saving incentives is replaced with “Challenges” that offer discounts on energy monitoring devices and your hydro bill.

View protoype.
